Humic substances are important to the physical, chemical, and biological characteristics of soil. At Napnutriscience, we have perfected our manufacturing processes using high-quality raw materials from Thailand. We provide many formulations of a Humic substances product for the highest agronomic efficiency.



NUTRI KALI is a complete starter fertilizer containing Humic, Fulvic, and Amino acids along with NPK in the form of 100% water-soluble fine powder.


SUPLEX KALI is a complete micronutrient fertilizer containing Humic, Fulvic, and Amino acids along with chelated micronutrients. It is a 100% water soluble fine powder.

Humus Kali

HUMUS KALI is a complete soil conditioner, offering 3 bioactive substances including Humic, Fulvic, and Amino acids. This product also contains a high concentration of chelated Potassium in the form of spray-dried powder which makes it a 100% water-soluble.


CHARGE is our liquid formulation for concentrated Humic and Fulvic acids.

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