What is Humic acid?
Humic acid (HA) is one type of humic substance with a large molecular structure. They are dark in color ranging from dark brown to black. The structure of humic acid is primarily composed of carbon chain and carbon ring. In addition to carbon, humic acids also contain oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, and phosphorus. The exact composition of humic acids is varied depending on its sources. Humic acid is rarely soluble in water but is completely soluble in alkaline solutions. Humic acids work best in the soil where they can work as chelating agents to unlock nutrients and bind to them, making the nutrients in available forms for plants to uptake. Humic acid can also stimulate root and shoot growth, stimulate the microbial activity in soil, and improve the soil structure.
What is Fulvic acid?
Fulvic acid (FA) is another type of humic substance with less complex molecular structure. They are similar to humic acids with differences in carbon and oxygen contents and lesser molecular weight. Fulvic acid is soluble in water at all pH levels unlike humic acid which are only soluble in high pH. The color of fulvic acid is ranged from yellow to light brown. Fulvic acids are more active than humic acids due to its oxygen content that is almost double the amount of humic acid. Fulvic acid is the most effective organic chelating compound and can be used through foliar application due its small molecular size and electrical charge which plant can immediately uptake.
Which one do plants need?
We recommend you to use both humic and fulvic acids because both of them are essential for keeping healthy plants. Using one of them will not give the effective benefits to plants, as the two acids work in harmony with each other. For example, fulvic acid is the most effective organic chelating compounds which can chelate more nutrients in available forms for plants to uptake. On the other hand, humic acid can improve the soil structure to hold more water and nutrients.
We recommend you to use both humic and fulvic acids because both of them are essential for keeping healthy plants. Using one of them will not give the effective benefits to plants, as the two acids work in harmony with each other. For example, fulvic acid is the most effective organic chelating compounds which can chelate more nutrients in available forms for plants to uptake. On the other hand, humic acid can improve the soil structure to hold more water and nutrients.